4 ways to Improve Your Youtube Experience:

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YouTube is one of the largest and most popular video distribution platforms on the Internet. It is a video-sharing platform owned by Google, started back in 2005. It currently has over 2 billion active users that visit the video-sharing app every month to view their favorite videos, music videos, vlogs, and more.

It has been 15 years since the launch and is still successfully holding a very prominent place as far as marketing is concerned. It has gone from being a mere video-sharing platform to playing a pivotal role in marketing today, especially digital marketing. In a way, it has changed the way people watch videos today.

Let’s look at how YouTube continues to be the undisputed king of online video. One of the reasons is because they believe in finding new ways to improve your YouTube experience, and that is what we are going to look forward to in this blog:

Choices galore for people of all ages:


YouTube has always been a platform that entertains and engages with people from all walks of life from adults, kids to tweens and teens. Kids spend an average of 85 minutes per day watching YouTube videos and the time spent has increased due to the pandemic. YouTube understands that every family has a different approach when taking care of their children’s screen time. So YouTube Premium has come up with customized options you can choose from that help you decide what kind of user experience is best suitable for you and your child.

To make it easier for parents to keep an eye on their kids, YouTube Premium has created an app for kids called YouTube Kids. ‘YouTube Kids’ the app is built to give kids a safer environment to encourage their curiosity to learn and explore their varied interests online. You can choose from 3 levels of content depending on your kid’s age (Preschool, Younger, Older).

There is also a supervised account for children a bit older for tweens and teens where you can link your child’s google account to your own. The account options for your children do not include the following features:

  • Comments
  • Live chat
  • The ability to create their own YouTube channel and upload content 
  • Make purchases

Extra care for your Digital Well-Being


An average person spends close to 2 and half hours watching YouTube videos every day, So YouTube Premium developed a feature to help you create healthy bedtime habits by bringing in “Bedtime” or “Take a Break” reminders located in your settings. You can add this feature while watching a video or after. This feature is only available on your mobile devices.

More Features to help you Control your Data on YouTube


You can use the ‘Your Data’ option on YouTube Premium to easily browse, or delete your watch/search history. With the recommendations option, you can remove videos you don’t want to watch, and it won’t affect your viewing recommendations. 

Incognito mode


Incognito mode is for users who want a little more private viewing experience and is available both on the mobile app and on the chrome browser. This feature allows you to watch your videos without affecting your search or browser history and is available only on your mobile devices.

Easily access your security settings and passwords


Google is known to give you a personalized user experience whether it’s on Google search or any of its other web applications, and the same applies to YouTube Premium as well. Their security checkup tool provides personalized recommendations to help you keep your data safe and secure away from any threats. There is a 2 step verification process for extra security, and you can test the strength of your passwords and manage which third-party apps have access to your data. 

Hope these features will help you have a better experience on YouTube. Happy and safe browsing!

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